Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes

I always had my favorite chefs (Giada de Laurentis and Bobby Flay) but just recently my sister shared this video with me and I found my new favorite chef. He’s a new favorite for a reason different then you’d think. I’ve never even tried any of the food or recipes he’s ever made. It’s not even about the food he prepares, it’s about the heart of this guy. He is truly inspiring. This man is basically an angel. Please take a sec to check out this video…

[post_ads]With Valentines coming up tomorrow I hope we can remember to love those in need around us. With all the suffering around the world, we can all help each other out to alleviate some of that suffering. Whether it’s giving a helping hand, calling someone to let them know you care, providing a meal for someone in need, donating time at a local food bank or giving a donation to a good cause, there is something we can all do and no small deed will go unnoticed. Besides, you will receive far greater joy in giving rather than receiving. I know it is easy for us to get caught up in our own lives, in our own world or bubble shall we say, I’m guilty of such myself, but I hope we can spend some time looking outside the bubble, to those that are in need of help. To those that need love. Valentines and holidays have become so much about gifts that we forget the meaning behind them and we also don’t often look beyond our own families and friendships. If we each gave some of our time, imagine the difference we can make! Happy Valentines Day everyone =)!

Check out the tip below for a great way to wrap these amazingly delicious cupcakes.

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Yield: 12 cupcakes

    1 cup + 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
    2 Tbsp cornstarch
    1 1/4 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    3/4 cup granulated sugar
    2 large eggs, at room temperature*
    1 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
    1/4 cup butter, melted and cooled slightly
    1/4 cup vegetable oil
    1/2 cup whole milk, at room temperature*
    1 recipe Strawberry Buttercream Frosting, recipe found here
    12 small fresh strawberries or strawberry slices, for decoration (heart how-to here)


[post_ads]Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl, whisk together flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt for 30 seconds, set aside. In a separate large mixing bowl, using an electric hand mixer set on medium-high speed, whip together eggs, sugar and vanilla until mixture is very pale, fluffy and thickened slightly, about 3 minutes. Mix in melted butter and vegetable oil. Working in three separate batches, beginning and ending with flour, add 1/3 of the flour mixture followed by 1/2 of the milk, blending until well combined after each addition. Pour batter into 12 paper lined muffin cups, filling each cup 2/3 full. Bake in preheated oven 19 - 22 minutes, until toothpick inserted into center of cupcake comes out clean. Cool completely on a wire rack, then frost with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting and top with a small whole fresh strawberry or fresh strawberry slices.

*To bring the eggs to room temp quickly, simply submerge in a bowl of warm water for 5 - 10 minutes. To bring milk to room temperature quickly, simply heat in microwave on high powder in a microwave safe dish for 15 - 20 seconds until no longer cold.

Recipe Source: cupcake base - Food and Wine, Strawberry Buttercream Frosting - Cooking Classy
This is a great way to wrap cupcakes for gifts. Someone in my daughters class brought them packaged like this and it was genius. You’ll need the shorter/wider clear plastic cups, cellophane bags and ribbon. Also, I wouldn’t recommend this if your cupcakes are wide enough they fall over the side of the cupcake liner or if you’ve frosted around the edges (simply because they may not fit or they’ll frosting will smudge along the cup). Just carefully drop the cupcake in and wrap.

Courtesy: Cooking Classy

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Cake | Recipes, Baking Tips, Cake Decorating Ideas, Videos and More: Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes
Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes
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