Vintage wedding cakes are identical with vintage
wedding party. Although the wedding fashion trend is new and modern,
some couples still love the classic wedding theme. Old wedding theme
goes back to 60’s or 70’s era or before those periods. Today, you can
still find some couples who celebrate wedding party with ancient or old
theme and the party comes with vintage wedding cakes. This cake may inspire everyone and reminds the glory of ancient times.
Nevertheless, vintage wedding cakes
still look stunning and appealing today. Most of them are decorated
with vintage bride and groom dolls on the first tier of wedding cake.
Furthermore, to embellishing your vintage wedding party, you can add
some ancient ornaments like classic car from 50’s, ancient chair wedding
set, as well as the ornaments that can tone up your vintage wedding
party. Your wedding cakes can be combined with modern touch like flower
ornaments surrounding each tier.
Vintage Wedding Cakes Pictures