Roman times, a piece of bread would be broken above the head of the
bride, showering her with crumbs—and good fortune. Later in medieval
England, spiced buns would be stacked in a pile and the bride and groom
would try to kiss over the top. A successful smooch meant prosperity
would follow. In the 17th century, guests would throw pieces of cake
over the heads of the bride and groom and pass small morsels through the
bride’s ring to ensure good luck. Today, the tradition of cutting the
cake is relatively tame and less messy (cake-smashing-in-the-face
notwithstanding), and while sharing slices with family and friends is
said to increase fertility and prosperity, it’s also just a great excuse
to break in a pretty new cake server. Above, 13 stunning servers worthy
of that all-important first ceremonial slice.




